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Plan Your Future with a Vision Board

It\'s 2021 and the vision board you made in 2020 is still on your wall. What does it say?

Do you know what your future holds?

As business owners, we want to do everything possible to make sure that our vision of the future comes true. One way to ensure this vision is becoming reality is by creating a vision board for feng shui 2021!

The vision board is one of the most popular New Age tools. It can help you plan your future, visualize success, and create a vision for what you want in life.

Making a vision board is not as difficult as you may believe, and it can really assist you in planning for the future! You\'re filling your vision board with everything that you wish to have in your life.

Using a vision board to make plans for 2021 can be an excellent way to attract positive energy into your life in order to manifest all that you desire.

In this blog post, I will share with you how to create one for yourself or for someone else who needs some help planning their future.

Do you want to have a vision board feng shui 2021? If so, then you are in the right place. Here is how to make your vision board feng shui 2021 with some easy steps.

What is a vision board and how can it help you plan your future

A vision board can help set and achieve goals.

Once you have your vision, creating a vision board is the next step!

When making your vision board, it\'s important to know that how you feel will influence what you put on this New Age tool. For example, if you are feeling negative about something then add an image or words that represent the opposite.

Plan Your Future with a Vision Board

A lot of people have been building these things called \”vision boards\” where they put up images that represent their goals on a board or poster in order to attract what it is you want into your life. These concepts aren\'t new – there\'s actually science behind them now which explains why visualization works so well when trying to reach any goal (e.g., athletics).

One thing I really like about how affirmations work with this whole idea is because research has shown that practicing something out loud makes it more likely we\'ll think about doing those activities later down the line; however…there\'s also a small percentage of people who actually start to think about not doing those activities or things, too. This is why I always recommend vision boards (and positive affirmations) as well because they only contain images and words that are going to help you reach your goals, instead of having the possibility for something negative to pop up later on down the line.

What exactly goes into making a vision board Feng Shui 2021?

What exactly goes into making a vision board Feng Shui?

Here\'s how it works:

Start with an empty poster frame (or another surface). You can even use paper if you\'d like – whatever makes you comfortable! Put in some relaxing music and light candles. If needed, do some meditation before beginning this process so you\'re nice and relaxed when starting.

Next, gather all of your vision board supplies. You will need some magazines (or print out images online), scissors, glue, or tape. You may also want to add in a few candles if that\'s something you enjoy doing while creating vision boards. If not, just skip this step!

First, take the time to look through whatever material you plan on using for these pictures and words. Find what inspires you – whether it be an image from a magazine or a quote that resonates with you – and begin putting those items into piles based on how they make them feel personal. From there, choose which pile is going to bring positive vibes only; discard any others since those are negative thoughts/ideas/feelings.

I like to sort through my vision board supplies and pick out the ones that I want to use before gluing or taping them down onto a poster frame, but you can do this step however it works best for you! The goal is just to have everything set up in front of you so when it\'s time to create your vision board feng shui 2021, all you need to do is grab those materials without having any distractions (like turning on the TV). Now, let\'s get started:

Get creative with what items are going where – there really isn\'t an \”exact\” way things should be laid out. Just put whatever makes sense and feels right; if something doesn\'t seem like it fits well, then pick something else that does instead.

Try to keep your vision board feng shui 2021 a reasonable size so you can hang it up somewhere in your home where you will see it often and be reminded of what is possible for the future! If space isn\'t an issue for you (like if maybe this vision board gets too big), I would recommend taping or gluing these items together on poster frame walls. Just remember safety first with making vision boards because they do contain sharp objects like scissors/knives which may not be safe around children or pets. Depending upon how old those people are, I\'d probably put any vision boards away after completing them until they\'re \”old enough\” to understand their purpose; but again, that\'s just me being extra cautious.

Now jot down any vision board feng shui 2021 goals you have for your future (don\'t worry about this step if it doesn\'t seem like something you want to do). If needed, use some of the vision board supplies lying around as well! Just remember: keep these statements positive and only focus on what is possible when working towards those aspirations. In other words…no \”I don\'t want\”.

Plan Your Future with a Vision Board

Once everything has been chosen and sorted out, simply make sure every item looks exactly where they need to be – no cutting or taping required unless absolutely necessary. You can add in a few finishing touches with glitter/shimmery paint pens; however, I\'d recommend doing those last since vision boards do tend to get a bit messy.

Once you\'re done, simply hang your vision board up somewhere that\'s easy for you to see throughout the day – like on a dresser mirror, above/in front of your bed, or even right inside the front door so it is the first thing anyone sees when entering your home! Anything works really; just make sure it\'s within sight and out of harm\'s way. For some reason, vision boards can bring about feelings of fear if they are not completed properly (i.e.: with positive thoughts); but once finished and hung correctly (which I will explain below), this feeling fades away quickly because these items now represent what is instead of any potential negatives …which is the whole point of vision boards.

Once, the vision board, feng shui 2021 has been created, it\'s time to hang them up wherever they are needed most…and I\'m not talking about just on a wall like you would with any other picture! Vision boards must have their own special place in your home so that whenever takes sight of them throughout the day (which should be often), you can feel positive and inspired by what lies ahead instead of discouraged or worried when everything seems out of control. Remember: this vision board represents \'you\' as well; so if there\'s even one negative thought anywhere within those items, then they will all bring back these bad vibes too because nothing but positivity flows through vision boards when hanging them correctly.

Here are two vision board Feng Shui 2021 hanging techniques you may want to consider trying:

First, hang your vision boards with thumbtacks directly on the wall so they can be seen from anywhere in the room (like right inside a doorway). This technique works well for single vision boards or ones that aren\'t too large; however, it\'s not ideal if there is much clutter because people tend to focus more on whatever is surrounding them rather than what lies ahead which isn\'t good, especially when working towards long-term goals like traveling around the world, getting married and having kids. In other words…don\'t do this method unless absolutely necessary! 😛

Here are two vision board Feng Shui 2021 hanging techniques you may want to consider trying:

Second, instead of using tacks, try suspending vision boards from the ceiling using string or rope. This is a great way to make vision boards feel \”larger than life\” and should be done with any vision board that contains several items which all fit nicely together (e.g.: wedding, travel). It\'s also important not to use nails when hanging them up since you don\'t want anything falling down on top of someone while they\'re walking around underneath it – especially if there are kids involved!

Finally, remember: vision boards aren\'t just for adults, but instead can benefit children too who may need help visualizing their future success in school or sports. For example, for those students who have been struggling because they simply cannot picture themselves graduating high school, receiving awesome grades in college, and maybe even finding a career they love, vision boards can help them see the light at the end of the tunnel by creating visual representations/proofs to show how much closer it is than originally perceived.

Creating vision board Feng Shui 2021

Step One: Get inspired by looking at magazines and other vision boards online or even Pinterest with positive words that reflect what you want in life. This will show you how to create your vision board feng shui 2021!

Step Two: Once you feel ready, start looking for vision board supplies. You can start with a corkboard and attach the images you found that represent your vision to it. For instance, if one of your goals is owning an imported car from Italy then make sure to include this image on your vision board feng shui 2021!

Step Three: Once all of your vision board feng shui 2021 images are attached, you can add some positive words to them. It\'s important that these words reflect your vision and make sense with the vision board layout!

Step Four: Hang up your vision board in a place where you will see it every day. This way, you\'ll be able to keep reminding yourself of your vision and what you want to achieve in life.

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