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Quickest Way To Add Visuals To Your Content Marketing

Quickest Way To Add Visuals To Your Content Marketing

Content with relevant images gets more views than content without. However, the average marketer may find visual content creation challenging and time consuming. Great visual content that gets a high response and goes viral in today’s social media marketing takes skill or a budget to hire a great graphic designer. That’s why templates come so handy and Power Point is still the quickest way to add visuals to your content marketing.

And in social media, visuals pretty much make or break your presence. In fact, according to Buffer, tweets with images receive 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites, and 150% more retweets. And if you need any more evidence to convince you visuals are essential to your content marketing, just consider all these stats.

But honestly … who’s got time for all that? And I don’t know about you, but I don’t exactly have a degree in graphic design, or the budget to hire someone who does. So, what’s a design-impaired marketer to do?

Luckily, over the past couple years, we’ve been on a mission at HubSpot to make visual content creation much less of an obstacle for the average marketer. How, you ask? Templates, my friends … templates. And what’s great about these templates is they’re all built for software you probably already have on your computer: PowerPoint. (Source)

Find Here All the Templates You Need for Visual Content Design

Image source:Flickr

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